Introduction To Game Programming

With this course, beginner level game programming training is given to middle school and high school students.

Introduction to Game Programming Training aims to give information about introduction to computer programming in workshop environment and how to develop a mobile game using Android Studio and Java language. The duration of the training is 72 hours. The Ngdroidapp Game Engine developed by Gamelab Istanbul is used in education.

The curriculum of the training is the more advanced training given by Gamelab Istanbul; mobile game programming training (mope-1, mope-2, mope-3) and advanced game programming training (mopi-1, mopi-2, mopi3) training. The main goal of the curriculum is to teach the participant game-based computer programming.

The target audience of the Introduction to Game Programming Training is middle school and high school students who do not know computer programming but are interested in learning. Positive results have been obtained in the studies conducted on the target group until today. Computer programming knowledge, which is taught to 11th grade students in 1 year (112 hours in total) in formal education, can be taught to 6th grade students within 72 hours with the introduction of game programming. The main reason for this success stems from the use of natural learning method in the organized education. Learning the basics of computer programming theoretically in the first 2 days of the education, the student internalizes what he learned during the remaining 6 days by using it while programming a game. Thus, Game Programming Education not only teaches game programming, but also teaches computer programming in general.