Glist Engine
Glist Engine is a 3D game engine that is used by our company in general, it is easy to learn and work on. It is used in coding training, simulation, AR / VR and image processing applications.
Glist Engine is a 3D game engine that is used by our company in general, it is easy to learn and work on. It is used in coding training, simulation, AR / VR and image processing applications.
Ngdroid Engine is a game engine which is developed in Java language, provides 2 dimensional mobile games and turns its imagination into games and aims to increase the number of programmers in mobile gaming sector. It is designed to be used in mobile game development activities as well as coding training given to young people aged 17 and over.
Kendi Oyunum Engine was developed for use in coding training studies for young people aged 11-16. It is designed to enable students who have received Algorithm training to switch to code writing. This is the first and only game engine in the world.
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